Here's Something Really Different!
On Farm Challenge This competition differs from conventional judging
events in that goats are assessed in their structural correctness
without grooming, photography or showing.
This format means all breeders can compete against the best in
the area on an equal basis. The competition is open to registered and
unregistered dairy goats.
Unregistered animals need to meet the minimum breed standard.
Must be a member of the DGSA
Anglo Nubian
British Alpine
And any other DGSA recognised dairy breed Entry fee: $2.00 per entry.
Limit of 2 entries per class per breed. CLASSES Only in-milk animals
Under 2 in milk
2-3 in milk
3-6 in milk
6 and over in milk Age of the doe is of the last kidding date. Not to be fitted or
haltered during observation by the judge.
Animals to be presented on hard, clean surface. Judging between February
and March 2022 Results will be at a
presentation dinner – for example the AGM Judge to be appointed by
committee. Member of
committee to provide transport for the judge.
Judge to develop own scoring systems (photos or videos to be
taken by the judge to be used at presentation dinner or for publicity) Only first and second
place getters announced.
Also Champions of each breed. Registered and
unregistered does will be judged in the same class. Champion Anglo Nubian Champion British Alpine Champion Toggenburg Champion Saanen Champion Other Breed Champion All Breeds
- SEE:
https://www.dairygoatssa.com/files/DGSSA_Classification.wmv |
Contact Us: info@dgssa.com |